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Matthew 9: 37-38 – Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”




Quest Global Missions (QGM) is a missionary work with a heart compelled to see every man, woman, & child come to know the love of the Father through Jesus Christ.


Through prayer, giving, and going, QGM’s primary focus is set on specifically ministering in villages where hard to reach indigenous people have not yet heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To reach people groups where there has not yet been a witness of the salvation and healing power of the precious blood of Jesus. In addition, QGM seeks to not only establish churches in these villages but also to train native leaders who will ultimately continue the work and enable local and national pastors to spread the Gospel there. 


To put it simply we exist to evangelize and disciple "all nations" for Jesus Christ.


Because this work will be predominately done in remote locations with difficult, limited, or no roads available, QGM will utilize small single engine airplanes to assist reaching villages filled with families and children in need and to fly pastors and other missionaries to remote locations. These small planes are a tremendous tool which makes traveling in these areas safer and more easily accessible due to the rigorous terrain. Often a 3-4 day hike to some of these remote villages can be flown in only 15 minutes! The airplanes also provide humanitarian and medical support to these remote areas.




Revelation 14:6 – Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth – to every nation, tribe, tongue, & people.


Our missionaries have been married over 20 years, and have several children. All of their children have been and continue to be homeschooled. With a Heart for Missions that started in both of them long before marriage, they have labored for the Gospel in Jamaica, Russia, Nicaragua, Mexico, Eastern Europe, and numerous locations throughout the United States. They both complement each other well in their specific desires and gifting’s that the Lord has given them. He is a strong father, a great teacher of the Word. She is a very loving mother, has a God given gift of writing, & loves humanitarian work. Together they have a loving and prophetic anointing to disciple, heal, and restore others into the fullness Father God has created them to walk in.     


Revelation 12:11 – And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.







 They have faithfully served at Life House Church (LHC) for over 15 years. They were part of the leadership team at LHC. LHC is also a sending church for our missionary family. LHC’s mission is to see people connect to God and community, grow through discipleship, and serve using their gifts.


They have additional oversight through Network of Related Pastors (NRP). NRP is a trusted team of pastors and leaders throughout the United States whose mission is to empower, encourage, and equip local churches to effectively reach their communities for Christ. NRP’s endeavor is to complement and advance the vision of the church through relationship, teaching, accountability and support.


Additional contacts and references can be given upon request.


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